Opening times
from 11:00 to 17:30from 11:00 to 17:30
Renaissance church from the 16th century, it was the Priory of the Royal Abbey of Montearagón until 1571, when it became part of the Diocese of Huesca as a Collegiate Church.
Baroque church from the 18th century, built on a 16th century building of which only the tower and the chapel it contains on its lower floor remain.
Located between the towns of Bolea and Loarre and called Nuestra Señora de la Virgen de La Peña because it was built on a rock or crag.
The first open laboratory in Aragon where you can walk among scientists while they work with dinosaur eggs from 68 million years ago.
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- In Spanish, English and French
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- Picnic, cafeteria and shop
- Children's activities
1096 Anno Domini,
Several hours ago the gate was closed. Shortly after this, various tallow candles and torches silhouetted the village houses that lay scattered beyond the castle walls. It has been a quiet, warm day, which is a strange occurrence at this time of year, although it is true that the weather is changing, as are the times. Fortún López, the lieutenant of the stronghold, ponders over this as he walks the along the upper terraces. He observes the sleeping village below him, the orchards and ploughed fields, black as jet. Bolea and Ayerbe in the distance, quietly watching the Christian castle. Covered by the mist, La Hoya appears and fades before his eyes. And finally, on the horizon, Wasqa (Huesca), the city of ninety nine towers. King Pedro, the first of that name, and the counsel of his lords gather together noblemen and soldiers there. The battle for Wasqa is imminent and the anxiety in the air intensifies.